Monday 27 September 2010

...been a long time

Well blow me down with a warm haddock, I actually survived the Trinity Dip TESOL and I'm feeling rampant, rampant I tell you!, shall I go for an MA, or shall I rest on my laurels?

Where to enrol is the big question (overlooking funding for a moment); which is the best bet for a reasonably sane experience, Sheffield Hallam come highly recommended, but what about the others? Manchester, Aston, Birmingham all seem to have decent reputations but which to choose... and are there any more to choose from? After my ghastly experience with Portsmouth (2008) I am a lot more cautious about which course provider to go for, although several of my friends/co-workers swear by Sheff Hallam. I just swore at Portsmouth.

Oh well, I have a couple of weeks to decide before sending out the begging letters.

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